All posts in "Stucco Questions"

Can You Stucco A Mobile/Modular Home?

Everyone knows that you can stucco a traditional house but what about a mobile or manufactured home?  Is it possible to stucco one of those? If so, what steps do I need to take to get the job done right and what issues should I be aware of?Can You Stucco A Mobile Home?Yes, you can […]


Can Stucco Be Applied In The Rain?

Installing stucco is pretty straightforward if you do enough research and have the right mixing ratios and application techniques but weather plays a factor too and some people ask whether or not you are able to apply stucco in the rain.Can Stucco Be Applied When It Is Raining?It is possible to apply stucco when it […]


Can You Repaint Stucco That Has Been Painted Before?

A question that comes up every now and again is whether or not painted stucco can be painted again. I wondered why this question was asked, seeing as how it seems to be a simple answer but there are a few things to take into account so it is a deeper question than it appears […]


Can I Drive A Nail Through Stucco Siding?

Stucco is insanely hard and doing simple, everyday things like hanging an ornamental object or picture to it can be a challenge. Many people wonder if it is possible to nail through stucco and it is but there are a couple of quick things you should know before diving into it.Can You Nail Into A […]


Is It Possible To Grind Stucco?

Stucco is a very hard material because it is usually made up of cement based products, which can present some problems on dealing with rough stucco issues. Grinding is one of those “issues” that can seem to be difficult but it can be done with the right tools and knowledge.Can You Grind Stucco Down?The short […]


Fixing Stucco Cracks… What Are My Options Now?

​Stucco houses crack, that’s a fact because of the rigid nature of the material used and movement in one way or another. Addressing those cracks also becomes a question that I get quite often and I thought it was time to write about the topic so you know what ​the main options are.​How Do I […]


What Is Stucco Weep Screed & How Is It Used?

There are a few components of stucco that have people asking more questions than usual and stucco weep screed is one of those elements that always comes around. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular questions regarding weep screed and try to solve some of the mystery around weep screed.What Is Stucco Weep […]


What Kind Of Sand Can I Use For Stucco?

​Sand is an important ingredient for all of the plastering portions of stucco but there are a ton of different sands out there nowadays and choosing which sand is the “right sand” can be daunting. ​There are a ​few ​choices you have when choosing sand, the “standard” sand that it specified by building codes and specialty […]


What Kind Of Screws Should I Use For My Stucco Walls?

Stucco is a surprisingly hard surface and fastening anything to it can be a huge hassle if you are not properly prepared.  A lot of questions that come to mind include things like, “can I screw into stucco” and “if so, what kind of screws should I use” and other related questions. This is a pretty […]


What Color Is Stucco In Its Natural Form?

​Stucco Color is a loaded topic because of all of the options out there but it is a simple question to answer, if you understand a few basic things, which I will quickly outline in this article.What Color Is Stucco Anyways?The short answer is that stucco finishes ​usually use a white or gray base color, […]


What Caulking Should I Use For Stucco? Cracks, Lath, Etc.

There are tons of caulking choices out there nowadays and knowing which one to use for stucco is half the battle… Right? It is a very simple choice though when it comes down to which caulking you can use and the other question is what type of caulking for what part of the stucco process.What Type of […]


Can I Stucco My Foundation?

Stucco on walls and soffits are pretty standard and everyone has seen them coated in some sort of a stucco system but I get a question that comes up a lot and that is whether or not a foundation can be stuccoed… Good Question! There is a short answer to this question but there are a couple […]


All About Stucco Vents – Foundation, Gable, Soffit & More!

​There are many different vents that are mounted on stucco walls and when you go to the hardware store to look at all of the various vents out there, you get overwhelmed at the variety and think “which one do I get?” I know some of you can relate… So I wanted to put together a resource, […]


Where Can I Buy Stucco Materials?

​Trying to find a place or places to buy stucco supplies can be difficult sometimes, especially finding all of the materials you need in one place… Right? That’s where you have to know where to buy certain items, which suppliers have what and son on. This is exactly what this article is going to be about. Lets […]


How Do You Add Color To Stucco?

Adding color to stucco is a pretty simple process, if you know how to do it but I realized (when explaining the process) that some people have a hard time grasping how it’s done… Right? It is indeed easy to do but you need to know what type of color to add to your material (powder or […]


Can You Drill Into Stucco?

There are a lot of questions that come up regarding stucco and whether or not you can drill through stucco is one of those popular questions. Right? I think that the hardness of stucco confuses a lot of people and they wonder if they can actually drill through a hard “concrete-like” material.  Not only that but there […]


Can I Paint My Stucco?

There is a popular question that comes up when it comes to stucco and that is whether or not you can paint stucco.  There is a ton of information out there and it can seem confusing when looking over it all… Right? This article is going to be short and to the point in regards to whether […]


What Materials Can I Use From Home Depot For Stucco?

Home Depot (HD) carries a lot of materials for stucco projects and I get a lot of questions from people wanting to know what products are suitable for the base coat, finish coat and so on.I decided to make a helpful post outlining what I believe are some of the most common items that Home […]


What Kind Of Paint Do I Use On Exterior Stucco? All The Facts!

When looking around the web for answers on what kind of paint you are able to use on stucco exteriors, you will likely get different opinions.  After reading many different web pages and you will probably be more confused than you were before you started your research, right?This article is going to outline the different […]


Why Does Stucco Leak, Anyways?

There have been many instances of stucco failures and usually this will consist of leaking of some sort and it leaves a lot of people wondering what causes stucco to leak in the first place. I wanted to write a quick rundown on some of the most common problems I have run into myself and what […]

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