Can You Repaint Stucco That Has Been Painted Before?

A question that comes up every now and again is whether or not painted stucco can be painted again. I wondered why this question was asked, seeing as how it seems to be a simple answer but there are a few things to take into account so it is a deeper question than it appears to be on the surface.

Let's get into it!

Can I Paint My Stucco If It Is Already Painted?

Yes, you can paint over already painted stucco and it is usually easier than painting over a non painted stucco finish. You do not need primer, in most cases either and the paint will usually last for quite a while before needing another coat.

Prep For Repainting!

There are some advantages to repainting an already painted stucco finish but the prep work is usually the same. Pressure washing the stucco first is the best kind of prep work you can do and will increase the chances of the new paint sticking to the old paint.

Pressure Washing: There is no real "magic number" when it comes to psi but you want to remove staining and have enough force to clean out the rougher areas of the stucco texture, if you have a rougher texture. If the stucco looks cleaner after pressure washing, then chances are you are using enough pressure.

If you are taking off existing paint, then you might have to be more thorough when pressure washing, making sure to get the majority of the loose paint off or reduce the amount of psi, increase the distance your nozzle is from the wall, choose a less aggressive tip or a combination of the three.

Crack Repair: Performing crack repair after you pressure wash can make a huge difference in the overall look of the repainted stucco walls. This is usually pretty simple to do, using caulking to seal the cracks and blend them in before you paint. I have a tutorial on how to caulk stucco cracks that may be helpful to some of you out there.

Patches: If you have any patches to address on your stucco, then you should do it before repainting the stucco, as it will save time and money in the long run. A primer is recommended on fresh stucco repairs and usually a masonry primer is best suited for the job, due to the initial (higher) ph levels of the cement.

What Kind of Paint Is Your Stucco Painted With?

One of the hardest things to find out but it will benefit you in the long run. You will want to do your research when it comes to painting over certain paint coatings, like elastomeric paints.

If you have an acrylic paint on your walls, then it is safe to use another acrylic paint and is usually the paint I recommend for stucco myself.

This is a loaded topic in itself and you will need to research the topic, as I want to keep this post shorter.

How Often Should I Repaint My Stucco?

This is a good question and unfortunately there is no super clear answer. I usually recommend that people either have their stucco repainted every 3-7 years or at least inspected to see if there is any chipping, fading, etc. happening.

One thing to keep in mind is that some walls might see much more exposure to the sunlight, rain, wind, etc. and might need more attention than other walls around your home. In Norther CA for example, the walls that are exposed to the South will usually get battered by the elements and will have most of the issues, while the walls facing North will sometimes seem untouched.

About the author

The Stucco Guy

My name is Ryan and I have been a licensed stucco contractor for many years and I feel that there is a huge "knowledge gap" when it comes to stucco, in particular. I hope you find the information here useful, and if you have a question for me fill out this Q & A form, so I can answer those questions better. Thanks for stopping by!


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