Stucco Color
Trim Color
Tip: Hover over the color swatches (squares) to see the name and number of Western Stucco's color choices. Your selected color(s) will also show in the box below the main image. The colors are arranged the same way they are on Western's actual color chart, for easier comparisons. You can find their color chart online and can obtain one from a stucco supplier or have one mailed to you for $3.
This color visualizer tool was specifically made for Western Stucco Products and is used for their standard and acrylic color choices. you will use a different reference code when ordering an acrylic finish (P) or a standard finish (S) material, which you can read more about on their color chart page.
You can order a color chart from Western online but it will cost you $3 to do so or you can get one free from your local stucco manufacturer (in most cases), if they stock Western Stucco products. All of the colors are from their color chart (40 in total) and I used the actual color chart to get the closest possible match but remember that computer screens can be different when it comes to the display and this tool is for entertainment purposes only. ENJOY!
*** This tool is to be used for educational purposes only. The colors displayed on this tool may vary depending on independent monitor settings and other factors. Colors that are printed from using this tool may differ from the actual colors. The actual color of the applied stucco product will vary due to many different factors. The final selection must be made from the actual finish product and applied by the applicator/contractor under actual job conditions to ensure color accuracy.