Trying to Color Match Stucco Color on 38 Year Old Stucco

Today, we're assisting David, who faces a challenge many homeowners encounter with older stucco finishes:

"I'm trying to match the color on stucco that's 38 years old. Initially, I thought the original color was lighter and that it had become stained over time, but after removing pieces, I'm noticing a darker, more colorful shade just below the surface—a 'peachier' color. Could this be closer to the original color of the stucco?"

Stucco Sample With Color Differences

Hi David,

From the stucco sample image and the description that you provided, it's likely that what you are seeing beneath the surface is closer to the original color of the stucco. Over time, exterior stucco can fade due to sun exposure and other environmental factors, leading to a lighter, more faded appearance. The edges of the chipped-off pieces often reveal the layers that have been shielded from direct sunlight and weathering, and tends to retain more of the original hue.

In your case, the "peachier" color you've discovered beneath the surface suggests the original stucco may have had a deeper, more vibrant shade. If you were to match the color for any repairs or repainting, it would be difficult for the machine to actually get an accurate color from such a small sample. They can analyze the faded color on top and create a custom mix for you that would match really well, but it would be much harder to get the color from the broken edge matched.

New Color VS Old Color: Another thing you should consider is how the new stucco will blend with the existing, weathered sections. If you were to get a match on the more vibrant original color, then what would happen is it would be much more vibrant and would stand out from a mile away, when comparing it to the older, faded wall surfaces. 

This contrast can make the repaired spots look unsightly, which might not be the result you're looking for. To ensure the best possible outcome, you may want to consider repainting entire walls from corner to corner or repaint the entire house. This would also be true if you were planning on getting a custom colored matched stucco finish or fog coating the walls. 

This method would be your best bet and would create a more uniform look, concealing any age differences between the existing faded color and the new (updated) color, providing a seamless color on your walls.

Best of luck with your color matching and the stucco work ahead!

Your Stucco Specialist,

About the author

The Stucco Guy

My name is Ryan and I have been a licensed stucco contractor for many years and I feel that there is a huge "knowledge gap" when it comes to stucco, in particular. I hope you find the information here useful, and if you have a question for me fill out this Q & A form, so I can answer those questions better. Thanks for stopping by!

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