All posts in "Stucco Questions"

What Is Dryvit Stucco?

While I was performing a little research, I came across people wanting to know what Dryvit stucco is and was amazed that the information out there was a little vague.  I decided to write this short article to explain what Dryvit stucco is and you’ll probably be a little surprised with the answer…What Is Dryvit, […]


What Is EIFS Stucco? A Better Explanation…

EIFS stucco is a pretty confusing stucco system for some people and understanding what it is will give you a better idea of what goes into it, what the advantages and disadvantages of it are and much more. To get a better overall idea of how EIFS stucco claddings work and what they are, I wanted […]


Spraying Stucco VS Hand Spreading Stucco – What You Need To Know!

Spraying stucco and hand applying stucco are two very different application processes and they do require a little bit different technique. Either method will have its own pros and cons, just like everything else but you should be aware of some of the pitfalls and advantages of each method because one method is going to […]


What Are The Different Types Of Stucco? – Everything You Need To Know!

Looking at all of the different stucco products out there nowadays it can be a little bit confusing to know one product from another and how many different types of stucco there really are, which one is best and so on.It really is not that confusing if you have a general overall idea of the […]


How Much Does Stucco Cost To Install? (Detailed Look)

It can be confusing when you look around trying to find out the cost to stucco your project and the information out there can be confusing or incorrect… Am I Right? There are a wide range of price factors that go into the cost of stucco and knowing what those are will help you figure out a […]


What Is Stucco Fog Coating?

If you have a traditional (cement based) finish on your stucco walls then chances are you have probably read about stucco fog coat somewhere and have a few other questions related to what stucco fog coat is, how it works and why you would need to use it…. Right? This article covers a lot of those […]


What Is Stucco Anyways?

​Stucco is a great product that can be used on both interior and exterior applications and is known to be one of the most beautiful finishes out there that are available but knowing what stucco is, what it’s made of and how it works is another story and is what this articles going to talk […]


What In The World Are Stucco Quoins?

​Stucco quoins can add a lot of flair and style to the corner of the stucco building and since you can pretty much make a whatever type of design you can think of, the possibilities really are endless! Quoins are kind of a mystery to some people and they have a lot of questions about them […]


Fog Coating vs Painting Stucco

There are a lot of people that are interested in knowing the difference between fog coating stucco walls and painting them. This is a good question because they are both options but have very different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and other things that you need to know before making a final decision. Lets take a look […]


Installing Stucco Paper – A Massive Reference Guide

The paper is a line of defense against moisture and is also referred to as the water resistive barrier in a three coat stucco system. Simple hand tools and attention to minor details are all it takes to install it.  I am laying out the way I would recommend doing it and know that there […]


Acrylic Stucco Brands: Understanding the Options Out There!

Basically acrylic stucco is a high quality paint-like product that has aggregate mixed into it, that acts as a finishing texture. It usually comes in 5 gallon buckets and is white when in it’s raw form. Color bottles are used to color the material and usually need to be mixed to the bucket, in order to […]


Acrylic Stucco VS Traditional Stucco | An In-depth Comparison!

Comparing acrylic stucco and traditional stucco is a good thing to talk about because there is a lot of confusion about the topic, due to a number of different things like multiple names for both types, different materials that are used, the price of the material and the labor involved… You get the picture. There are […]


Which Stucco System Do You Have On Your House?

Identifying which type of system you have on your house is fairly easy to do. Whether you have a three coat system, a one coat system or an eifs type of system, the checks will help narrow it down for you.


What Is Stucco Lath?

Take a quick look at the whole lathing process in a nutshell. Identify components and hardware that are typically used in the process and what they are used for.


Stucco Textures & Finishes, A Visual Aid

There are so many different stucco textures and finishes available and you have to see them all, in order to get a feel for each one. Browse through the various pictures here to find your favorite.


How To Paint Exterior Stucco, Some Helpful Tips

If you have a house that is made out of stucco and want to refresh the look of it then stucco paint is something that you might want to look into. There are some tips and tricks that you could implement to make the job easier and make it look like a professional did it. Lets dive […]

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