Can You Drill Into Stucco?

There are a lot of questions that come up regarding stucco and whether or not you can drill through stucco is one of those popular questions.


I think that the hardness of stucco confuses a lot of people and they wonder if they can actually drill through a hard "concrete-like" material.

Not only that but there are certain things that come into play like "will my stucco leak after I drill into it" that come up after you drill into stucco.

Let's dive in to see what the answer is and how to best go about it if it is possible.

Can I Drill Through Stucco?

To answer the question, yes you can drill through stucco with the right drill bit and proper drill. Masonry type of bits with carbide or diamond tips are the go to bits for stucco and having a hammer drill will greatly help with larger holes.

For smaller bits, a standard drill will work but having a hammer drill will make the job much easier.

What Kind Of Drill Can I Use?

For the smaller bits, like you would find in a set, up to about 3/8" you can use a standard drill if you would like. This will do the job for these simple types of bits, especially if you are only making one or two holes.

Having a hammer drill for these would make the job a whole lot easier and a lot faster but it isn't necessary to get the job done.

A hammer drill or rotary hammer is really going to be recommended for holes larger than 3/8" in size because of the added demand that the size of the hole takes.

I would not recommend using a standard drill for larger bits because they will not have the "hammer action" needed for the hard stucco surface.

What Are The Different Drill Bits I Can Use?

There are a lot of different drill bits out there that you can choose from but like I stated earlier, you will want a carbide or diamond coated bit. Take a look at Home Depot's website for some ideas at what's out there.

Smaller Bits: The smaller bits are probably a little more common and the easiest bits to find and use. I would categorize these as any bit 3/8" in diameter or smaller.

Larger Bits: It is important to keep in mind that 1/2" bits (and larger) may require an SDS type of connection because they are made for rotary hammers and not necessarily drill drivers.

You can also buy adapters for an SDS type bit that will work with your drill driver.

Hole Saw Bits: There are also many different hole saw bits that can be used with diamond or carbide tips on them.

A hammer drill will get the job done with a little patience and using water in conjunction with the bit will help to keep it cool, especially helpful if you plan on making a few holes with the same bit.

What Precautions Do I Need To Take After Drilling?

It is necessary to take some precautions before and after drilling through your stucco that some people may not think about.

  • Where are you drilling - You will want to keep in mind that electrical wires are located inside your walls and drilling through the stucco is kind of a blind ordeal, to some extent.

    Take your time and try not to puncture through the stucco too rapidly, take it nice and slow.

  • Seal the hole - After you drill a hole in your stucco, you will need to seal up the perimeter of the hole.

    I assume most people are drilling a hole because of pipe or ducts of some sort which will be going through the wall so after installation of the pipes, ducts, etc. you will need to apply caulking around it.
About the author

The Stucco Guy

My name is Ryan and I have been a licensed stucco contractor for many years and I feel that there is a huge "knowledge gap" when it comes to stucco, in particular. I hope you find the information here useful, and if you have a question for me fill out this Q & A form, so I can answer those questions better. Thanks for stopping by!


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