Manufacturers Of One Coat Plastering Products

Finding companies that manufacture one coat stucco products can be a challenge. They are really not that many out there, only a handful of companies make these types of products. So deciding on which manufacturer’s system to try out is the first problem, the second is exactly where to buy these products. This article is going to discuss both of these issue so it is not such a hassle.

Omega Products:

Omega is a California based company that has many different products. They have been around for many years and are always trying to improve their products every chance they can get.



The Western Stucco Co. has been around since 1932 and has base coats, acrylic products and admixes to get the job done.


El Rey:

Offers many specialty stucco products and system to meet the demanding needs of the ever growing industry. They are based out of the southwest of the United States and are partners with the Parex Company.

  • Has distributors all over the United States and even Canada
  • For exact locations and addresses, click here
  • Their one coat mix is referred to as the Fast Wall line of products
  • To view their products page, simply click here


A company located in Wisconsin and specializes in various stucco coatings and systems, including EIFS.

  • Has three one coat systems available:
  • Has Distributors all over Canada and the U.S.
  • May be hard to locate a distributor, call around local stucco supply stores

Sto Stucco Products:

Sto offers many different systems to meet the needs of certain circumstances when it comes to specialty stucco applications. They offer all kinds of products that are used theses days ranging from acrylics, one coat systems and energy efficient systems.

About the author

The Stucco Guy

My name is Ryan and I have been a licensed stucco contractor for many years and I feel that there is a huge "knowledge gap" when it comes to stucco, in particular. I hope you find the information here useful, and if you have a question for me fill out this Q & A form, so I can answer those questions better. Thanks for stopping by!

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