Elizabeth had a smooth Level 3 finish stucco on her home in BMI's "Cloud White" color, which was recently removed due to leaks from a guardrail. Elizabeth wants advice on matching this finish, especially since she cannot find BMI's color charts or confirm if the company still exists.
Question from Elizabeth:
I am trying to match a Smooth Level 3 finish stucco color I had on my house that was recently ripped up due to leaks from a guard rail. As I recall, the color I had was BMI Level 3 Smooth Finish in Cloud White. It has little flecks in the color. It looks gray in these photos but was actually very cream in color in person.
I do have a couple of sample pieces, but I'm wondering if you could give me advice on how to match this because it looked really good in person. I cannot find BMI stucco color charts anywhere and wonder if BMI is even still in business and if so, where I could get a color chart to see if they still have it. Thanks!

Hi Elizabeth, thank you for providing the images and details about your stucco finish. Here are some things that come to mind that will hopefully help you with your situation:
Finding BMI Information
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any references to a BMI "Cloud White" color or the Level 3 finish for stucco. I do know that BMI seems to belong to another company (now SIKA), but no reference to the color or texture you mentioned.
Typically, the term "Level 3 finish" is more associated with drywall than stucco, and I am not familiar with the term myself regarding stucco. While BMI is still a known name in the industry, their product lines may differ from what was offered before.
- Try contacting SIKA to see if they have access to older BMI products or color charts.
- Alternatively, you can reach out to stucco suppliers to see if they know anything about these products, your color or texture or anything regarding your existing finish.
Custom Matching
Given the challenges in locating the exact BMI product, there is also another route you can take:
- A custom color match with another stucco manufacturer is likely your best option. Bring the sample pieces you have to a supplier or manufacturer who offers custom color matching services.
- Most stucco manufacturers (e.g., LaHabra, Omega) have tools and resources to replicate colors based on samples like the ones you have.
Replicating the Texture
Matching the smooth finish with visible flecks of aggregate will require some experimentation and patience but it can be done...
- The base stucco mix should closely resemble the original in terms of color and finish.
- The flecks appear to be small pieces of aggregate embedded in the finish. Experiment with different fine aggregates, such as sand, quartz or mica, to recreate this effect.
- Test the application on a small board to ensure it blends seamlessly with the existing stucco texture before applying any to your wall.
Achieving the Cream Tone
The photos make the finish appear gray, but you described it as cream in person. Keep in mind:
- Lighting and surrounding colors may affect how the stucco appears.
- A cream tone can be adjusted during custom color matching. Make sure to evaluate samples under similar lighting conditions to your home.
Matching the exact look and feel of the original stucco, especially with the visible aggregate, will take time and patience. Without access to the original BMI formula, this will require a custom mix for both color and texture.
Let me know if you need further help or if you have updates from your stucco supplier search!