Fog Coating Stucco Walls, A Helpful Guide

Fog coating your stucco walls can be very helpful if you have old or new stucco that uses a traditional cement-based finish and has either discoloration, inconsistent color throughout the wall or any other type of problem like that.

Fog coat material is basically a cement like paint that actually becomes a part of the wall itself (unlike standard paint), not a layer on top of the stucco.

Listed are some of the common questions regarding fog coating in general so you can get a better understanding of what the whole process is like.

What Is A Stucco Fog Coat?

Like I mentioned earlier, a fog coat is basically a powder that has a color to it in one water is added to it forms a specific type of
paintable like material.

What Does Fog Coating Do

Unlike paint, this material actually will become one with the stucco surface and penetrate into the wall.

It will not color the stucco all the way through but it will provide a stronger and longer lasting bond than paint ever could.

This is only an option if you have a cement-based finish on your stucco home and it cannot be applied over painted surfaces or acrylic or synthetic finishes.

Where Do You Buy Fog Coating Material?

Fog coating material is a specialty item that I’ve only seen at stucco supply yards. While Lowe’s occasionally carries it, their selection is very limited and can be hit or miss.

If your house has a stucco finish from a specific manufacturer and you're considering using a fog coat, you might find that the available colors from other manufacturers don’t quite match what you need.

Different manufacturers offer unique color options for their fog coats, so it’s best to visit your local stucco supply yard to see if they carry the products from the manufacturer originally used on your project.

The Different Tools Used:

You can use a large brush or a lawn and garden type sprayer to apply a fog coat to a stucco wall and having both on hand is a good idea.

The sprayer will apply the bulk of the fog coat to the walls and the brush will be used for the finer details, like tighter areas such as gables.

I would recommend using a quality backpack sprayer for two main reasons and these are: because the overall capacity of the tank is larger (more consistent color) and the application is hands-free and a lot easier once you get it on your back.

You can use a large tank style sprayer but make sure the tank is larger (if you are spraying a large surface) and you get a quality one that won't have issues every 2 minutes (totally frustrating!). Try to aim for at least a 2 gallon capacity or higher.

Fog Coat Brush
A Backpack Fog Coat Sprayer
Smaller Fog Coat Sprayer

The Cost To Fog Coat A Stucco Wall…

The cost to fog coat your exterior walls can vary greatly, but is really inexpensive compared to all the other aspects of stucco in general.

You’re basically painting the outside of the wall using some type of spraying apparatus and the work goes fairly quickly and is quite easy once you get the color matching aspect down.

If you do this yourself you can save tons of money, but if you’re not confident in doing this you will spend a little bit more to hire a contractor to do it.

I can’t really give you a square foot cost because all of the different contractors are very different with their bids, but what I can tell you is the price of the material on average and that is roughly around $.02-$.15 per square foot.

The price can vary depending on the manufacturer, the amount of color needed in the mix, and other factors, but this gives you a general idea of how affordable the material side of the project can be.

Stucco Fog Coat Colors That Are Available…

There are so many different colors the fog coat can actually come in and that really depends on which manufacturer's product you are going to use.

Each manufacturer offers a unique line of colors for their stucco fog coats, which are specifically designed to match their cement-based finish colors.

This ensures that their fog coat colors align perfectly with their finish options. 

If you’re trying to match an existing color, it might take some effort to find the perfect match. Each manufacturer has its own unique color formulations, so the shade you’re looking for may not be available from just one brand.

To increase your chances of success, you may need to review color charts from several different manufacturers and compare their options closely to find the one that matches your existing color the closest.

Fog Coat Colors

Color Strength: You can actually add more or less color to accommodate a lighter or darker color when you spray it on the wall, so this is another variable that comes into play when looking at all the different colors that a stucco fog coat can potentially have.

Questions That Commonly Come Up...

Are There Any Downsides To Fog Coating? - One of the biggest downside to fog coating is matching colors and mixing the colors. This is a delicate process and you need to make sure you follow the manufacturer's directions closely. If making multiple batches, it's best to mix them all together for a uniform color.

There is also a process to mixing and screening the fog coat mix that you must abide by to ensure that the color is consistent and it flows through the sprayer.

The sprayer can get clogged with sand particles, even after you screen the material, which can be a downside. Another downside would be the fact that you can only apply fog coat to traditional stucco finishes, making it more of a specialty item and not a "general fix" type of product.

Can I Fog Coat Painted Stucco? - You CAN NOT fog coat painted surfaces. Only cement based stucco finishes can be fog coated because of the characteristics of the material itself and has to absorb into the wall. 

Repainting is the most practical solution if your walls were previously painted. Paint adheres well to painted surfaces, making the process straightforward and efficient. 

Unlike other finishes, there’s no need to worry about compatibility issues or matching textures, and you can easily refresh the look or change the color entirely with minimal effort.

Is Painting Or Fog Coating Stucco Better? - Fog coating is always going to be recommended over painting because of one BIG issue... the maintenance factor!

If you fog coat the wall, you will get 20 years or more out of it because it will become an integral part of the stucco itself, not just a top coat.

If you paint, you will have to repaint every so often (3-10 years on average) taking away that "maintenance-free" aspect of the stucco.

The cost is roughly the same too and is quite marginal when comparing the cost of the material and tools that you will need to buy.

About the author

The Stucco Guy

My name is Ryan and I have been a licensed stucco contractor for many years and I feel that there is a huge "knowledge gap" when it comes to stucco, in particular. I hope you find the information here useful, and if you have a question for me fill out this Q & A form, so I can answer those questions better. Thanks for stopping by!


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